
Friday, August 23, 2013

How Optimism Can Hurt Your Team

For managers, optimism may seem like a great trait to have: A boss with a can-do attitude motivates others and makes them feel good. But there’s a downside too. An excessively positive outlook on a tough project may give the impression that you think the work is easy and doesn’t require any struggle. And, when you aren’t concerned about or dismiss the problems your team faces, it leaves others to worry about those risks. You might also send the message that mistakes and failure are not an option because the work should be a breeze. Wise managers know that missteps are inevitable, and that failure is just the price of creativity. So next time you want to ask your team, “How hard can it be?” reconsider whether you’re being overly optimistic. 

Adapted from :

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

8 words you must avoid when you are selling

Over the two years, I've read hundreds of sales messages and heard dozens of sales presentations. 
Probably 90 percent of them are full of words that are both trite and ineffective. 
Here are the worst offenders:

1. "Exciting"
There is no word more boring than the word "exciting."  Claiming that something is "exciting" tells everybody that it's not. Instead, find something about your offering that actually excites the customer's interest.
2. "Innovative"
Same here.  I can't remember ever hearing Apple claim to be innovative; they just are.  That's true of every company that actually innovates.  For them, it's just normal everyday behavior. They don't have to point it out.
3. "Discount"
Let's leave this tired old term back in the world where "But, wait! There's more!" is state-of-the-art sales patter.  Look, your stuff has a price and maybe you've got some flexibility. But offering a "discount"?  How cheesy.
4. "Guarantee"
Everyone in the world who has an ounce of sense knows that a "guarantee" means absolutely nothing. "Guarantee" is just the word that people use when they're too chicken to use a word that has some real legal muscle, i.e. "warrantee."
5. "Honestly"
When this word comes out of your mouth, it makes everything else you've said so far seem like you were probably lying.  Same thing goes for starting a sentence with "To tell the truth,..." Say whut? You've been BSing up until now?
6. "Collaborate"
How did this dreadful word get into the business vocabulary, anyway? Yes, you've got to work together with people to get stuff done, but "collaborate"?  Hey, that's what the Vichy France did with the Nazis.
7. "Opportunity"
This is the classic case of a word that sounds positive but carries a huge load of "it's all about me."  Calling any sales situation an "opportunity" is telling the customer that you're all about closing the deal.  Just like any other opportunist.
8. "Quota"
On what planet does a customer care whether you make your numbers?  Selling is all about helping the customer make the best decision...for the customer.  When you're selling, your quota should be the farthest thing from your mind.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

                     BANANA TOFFEE



  •  Flour (all purpose)

  • Corn flour

  • Banana

  • Oil

  • Sugar 

  • Sesame Seeds 



    Take half cup of flour,four tb spoons of corn flour and mix them with little water.You can also add half spoon of oil and salt(according to taste) in the batter.
    Take two ripe bananas,peel the bananas and slice each 1 into 4 pieces.Now you dip the pieces into the batter and leave them into the hot oil,fry them until the pieces turn golden.

    Now take one cup of sugar and start to caramelized.When it bocome brown put all the fried bananas into the caramelized sugar and spread sesame seeds.

    Remove the bananas from the pan and dip them quickly in a bowl iced water,now it becomes banana toffee from fried banana.Now its ready to serve.Enjoy this crunchy banana with ice cream.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

5 Ways To Buff It Up Like Hrithik Roshan

With looks that could kill and an enviable body, Hrithik Roshan is the most desirable man of Bollywood. Want a smoking hot body like Hrithik? 

Follow these steps:

Exercise: Cardio! Cardio! Cardio! Cardio exercises thrice a week will do wonders! To build thighs and arms like Hrithik, wake up early in the morning and go for a jog to the nearest park or run on the treadmill. Want six pack abs like Hrithik? Here is your answer: 200 crunches every single day! Consult your trainer and change your work out regime every week. Plunging into the swimming pool twice a week will guarantee flexibility. If you have joint the gym recently, do not work out for more than an hour. The key is to burn the excess fat in your body and build healthy muscle through responsible weight training. ProTip: Do not OVEREXERCISE!

Eat healthy: Eat within forty five minutes of heavy weight training for quicker results. Ensure that your breakfast is heavy! The ideal breakfast consists of four egg whites, two slices of brown bread, protein shake, corn flakes with milk and an assorted fruit platter. Include green vegetables in your lunch along with one non vegetarian dish. Also, including a nutritious salad in the meal will balance your meal. Avoid eating anything but a fruit or a salad for an evening snack. For dinner, keep it light. Graze on some veggies and protein. Always remember, do not overindulge!

Zero deprivation: Who said you need to diet to achieve a smoking hot body like Hrithik’s? Avoid starving yourself please! Avoiding too much salt and sugar in your meals will eliminate excess calories and bloating. Also, do not visit the gym everyday, take a break on the weekends and explore the outdoors. Avoid use of food supplements or steroids. Smoking and alcohol is a strict no-no!

Sleep: Waking up early in the morning is a must! After an hour of heavy workout, a short nap can work wonders. Sleep allows the body to repair the damage it endures during strenuous exerise. 

Drink: Drink plenty of water throughout the day! A minimum of two litres per day need to be consumed in order to compensate loss of fluid through sweating. You need to keep your body adequately hydrated at all times. Dehydration is the last obstacle you want to face while working on your body.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Keep Innovation Jams Small and Focused

Bringing together people from different backgrounds to creatively brainstorm a problem — otherwise known as "jamming" – has become a popular way to unearth new ideas. Although the process is widely hyped, many companies struggle to make it work. Here are three rules of thumb to help:
  • Let participants choose.
    It's a mistake to assign people to a challenge. You'll see much more creative energy if you let participants decide which problems to work on.
  • Keep the team small.
    Don't let everyone get involved. Instead, create teams of no more than four. This size affords diversity but also allows the team to engage quickly.
  • Clearly define the problem.
    Make sure everyone understands the business, technological, and other challenges involved so each team member isn't trying to solve a different problem.

    For more, please click the link below:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Weird Ways to Make Work Wonderful

Every leader in every company struggles with ways to make work more engaging. It's always hard to find great people and is vital to keep them, since internal hires tend to be more successful than external ones. So once you've handed out the employee of the week/month/year badges, what can you do to enliven the daily grind? Here are some ideas:
Encourage creativity. Creative people get ideas by watching what other creative people make. That means they are productive to the degree that they have the time and opportunity to have a life. SHIFT Communications reimburses each employee $100 per year when they attend Broadway shows, sporting adventures or go to the opera. It's a great way of making sure no one gets stale; creativity feeds on creativity. And companies don't have idea -- people do.
Meeting-free days. Incessant meetings are the one reason invariably given when people explain why they left their jobs to work for themselves. So reward employees with one day a week when there won't be any meetings. Mondays are popular choices because everyone can start the week by being productive; other companies prefer Fridays because people leave feeling their work has been finished and they're free for the weekend. Whichever you prefer - it costs nothing and gains a lot.
Productivity software maker (recently acquired by goes one step further: It has no meetings at all -- just a show-and-tell session on Mondays. That's it. The company also provides a catered lunch four days a week and a staff-built jukebox with everyone's favorite tunes. 

Get to know everyone. At financial tracking site Credit Karma, employees come from all over the U.S. but need to get to know one another. To foster a sense of camaraderie, the company hosts weekly game nights with computer and board games, and also hosts movie nights. That means people get to know each other well beyond the transactional relationships that work normally develops. These events aren't hugely expensive, but the head of talent at the company, Ragini Parma, says they make all the difference.

Vacation together. Tech firm ZeroTurnaround took its employees on vacation to Crete for a week last September. Employees from Boston, Prague and Estonia spent a week working in a villa overlooking the Mediterranean, and they now know each other pretty well. Tech recruitment firm Eliassen Group takes everyone in the company -- and their immediate families -- on a cruise if they meet their annual targets. The operative principle: The company's success depends on employees helping each other. 

Hold a "bring your pet to work" day.
I can't quite explain pet passion, but if my Facebook page is anything to go by people love their pets beyond reason. I'm not sure a lot of work gets done in companies that host such events, but I feel pretty sure employee engagement and communication improves -- as long as there aren't too many dog fights.

For more, please read this link:

Give a Meaningful Apology

Did you snap at a colleague who didn't get her work done? Or did you miss an important deadline, messing up a coworker's project timeline? When your mistake affects someone else, here's how to make amends:
  • Admit that you were wrong.
    Own up to what you did — or failed to do.
  • Show you understand the repercussions.
    Don't assume you know what your coworker feels or thinks, but acknowledge that you know you've negatively affected him.
  • Tell her what you will do differently.
    Reassure her that you won't behave the same way in the future. Be specific about what you will change.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Choose Connection Over Conflict

It feels good to win an argument. But in every fight there's a loser too, and your counterpart may leave the discussion feeling discouraged and disengaged. Instead of combating, try connecting:
  • Set rules of engagement.
    If you're heading into a meeting that could get testy, outline rules to make it a productive, inclusive conversation. For example, make sure everyone has enough time to explain ideas without being interrupted.
  • Listen with empathy.
    Make a conscious effort to speak less and listen more. The more you learn about other peoples' perspectives, the more empathy you'll feel.
  • Plan who speaks.
    In situations when you know one person is likely to dominate (that may be you!), make sure everyone is able to speak. Identify who in the room has important information or perspectives to share. List them on a flip chart and use that as your agenda.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Men Are Most Attractive With 'Heavy Stubble'

A 10-day beard is the sexiest facial hair combination for men, according to a new study.
Personally, I agree. But, let's see what science says, from Science Magazine:

Researchers photographed 10 men at four stages of beard growth: clean shaven, 5-day "light" stubble, 10-day "heavy" stubble (shown), and fully bearded. Three hundred and fifty-one women and 177 heterosexual men viewed the photos and rated each face for attractiveness, masculinity, health, and parenting ability. 

Women ranked heavily stubbled faces as the most attractive. Participants said that the clean-shaven men looked about as healthy and attractive as those with a full beard, but rated the bearded men higher for perceived parenting skills. Light stubble got the short end of the stick, garnering low scores across the board from both men and women

The study was published in the May issue of the journal Evolution and Human Behavior. Here is a sample picture of one of the participants. The researchers said that a light beard may be too patchy to really get the manly effect through, while a full beard gives the impression of macho aggressiveness:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to become influenced

Influence is a funny thing. Once it required leaping through certain hoops: Winning political office, say, or starting a large business. But technology democratizes anything it touches, and now, thanks to social media, you can have followers even if you haven't done the sorts of things (like starting a major religion) that won you "followers" in the past.
I was thinking about this while reading the recent Inc cover story on Tim Ferriss, whose 4-Hour Workweek empire has turned him into the ultimate Silicon Valley lifestyle guru. Then there's Suze Orman and a host of other personal finance gurus, whose advice is very similar, but whose personalities are all outsized enough to win them followers and fans.
How can you build up the sort of influence that opens career doors for you?
There's luck involved, of course, and a lot of hard work -- more, alas, than 4 hours per week. But here are a few ideas that seem to help.

1. Define your brand. Gurus need a topic. After all, few people become gurus in multiple unrelated areas. Anne Lamott writes fascinating fiction, but it's her writing on religion that gets her invited to churches -- which then become packed with adoring fans. What topic can you own? Ideally, it's one that's broad, but not too crowded with other gurus. Though even if it is, you can carve out your own niche (money for millennials; time management for entrepreneurs; fitness for the 50+ set).

2. Spin a good story. You don't need a degree in your guru area, but you do need some reason that people should listen to you. Often, this is a conversion story -- the sort of St. Paul on the road to Damascus narrative that humans intuitively like. I used to be awful with money, and here's what I learned! I used to work around the clock, then I figured out how to outsource everything!
3. Go direct. Traditional media is great (see below), but even major media hits have a limited influence if you don't have a good way to capture people's information and keep them part of your world. That means spending a lot of time on social media and blogging and building your database of names and email addresses.

4. Be easy to reach ... at first. If you are quoted in one major news outlet as an expert, chances are you'll soon be quoted in another soon. Why? Because journalists often Google their story topics, and find their expert sources by seeing who other people have quoted. If your email address comes up easily in a search, you'll get on the contact list fast. The more media mentions you get, the more credibility you have. After all, once you're quoted in, say, CBS MoneyWatch as a financial guru, it's not just you calling yourself a financial expert. It's a trusted source. Of course, after you get famous enough, you can be a little harder to reach, to build mystique. But in the beginning, it helps a lot.

5. Network like crazy. Influence is best shared. If influential people write or talk about you, some of that influence rubs off on you, which you can then share with others. Oprah has launched gurus in just about every major category (Nate Berkus in design, Peter Walsh in organizing, etc.) but usually it's a result of multiple influential people giving someone a nod. Do what you can to be interesting enough to get on the radar of the right people -- and the effect will start to multiply.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

7 Steps to Planning a Productive and Successful Promotional Campaign

When planning a promotional campaign keep in mind that a campaign generally consists of three desired outcomes: 

Outcome 1: Your promotional message reaches your intended and targeted audience.
Outcome 2: Your message is understood by your audience.
Outcome 3: Your message stimulates the recipients and they take action.
The question is how do you achieve these outcomes with your campaign? The process is easy, but it takes "planning" time.
Here are seven steps that will get your campaign off to the right start.
  • Step 1: Assess Marketing Communication Opportunities.
    It's important in this first step to examine and understand the needs of your target market. Who is your message going out to? Current users, influencers among individuals, decision-makers, groups, or the general public?
  • Step 2: What Communication Channels Will You Use?
    In the first step of planning you should have defined the markets, products, and environments. This information will assist you in deciding which communication channels will be most beneficial. Will you use personal communication channels such as face to face meeting, telephone contact, or perhaps a personal sales presentation? Or will the nonpersonal communication such as newspapers, magazines, or direct mail work better?
  • Step 3: Determine Your Objectives
    Keep in mind that your objectives in a promotional campaign are slightly different from your marketing campaign. Promotional objectives should be stated in terms of long or short-term behaviors by people who have been exposed to your promotional communication. These objectives must be clearly stated, measurable, and appropriate to the phase of market development.
  • Step 4: Determine Your Promotion Mix
    This is where you will need to allocate resources among sales promotion, advertising, publicity, and of course personal selling. Don't skimp on either of these areas. You must create an awareness among your buyers in order for your promotional campaign to succeed. A well rounded promotion will use all these methods in some capacity.
  • Step 5: Develop Your Promotional Message
    This is the time that you will need to sit down with your team and focus on the content, appeal, structure, format, and source of the message. Keep in mind in promotional campaigns appeal and execution always work together.
  • Step 6: Develop the Promotion Budget
    This is the exciting part. You must now determine the total promotion budget. This involves determining cost breakdowns per territory and promotional mix elements. Take some time to break down allocations and determine the affordability, percent of sales, and competitive parity. By breaking down these costs you will get a better idea on gauging the success potential of your campaign.
  • Step 7: Determine Campaign Effectiveness
    After marketing communications are assigned, the promotional plan must be formal defined in a written document. In this document you should include situation analysis, copy platform, timetables for effective integration of promotional elements with elements in your marketing mix. You will also need to determine how you will measure the effectiveness once it is implement. How did the actual performance measure up to planned objectives. You'll need to gather this information by asking your target market whether they recognized or recall specific advertising messages, what they remember about the message, how they felt about the message, and if their attitudes toward the company was affected by the message.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Reframe a Tough Interview Question

You've probably been asked this perennial, annoying question: "Where do you see yourself in five years?" Your interviewer will often use it to get at several pieces of information at once. So before responding, try to determine what they really want to know. Look for subtext in other questions they've asked or in comments they've made. For instance, has the hiring manager mentioned that you'd be replacing someone who left the company after just six months? 

Maybe he wants to find out how long you'll stick around, since the cost of turnover is so high. Or did he raise the question right after asking you to describe your ideal job? Perhaps he's trying to get at whether the position is a good match for you and how long you'll enjoy doing it. After you've replied, follow up with something like, "Did that answer your question?"

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

  • Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
  • As long as you derive inner help and comfort from anything, keep it.
  • Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
  • Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
  • Hate the sin, love the sinner.
  • Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.
  • Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.
  • I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers.
  • I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of your life.
  • I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.
  • I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.
  • In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.
  • In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.
  • Indolence is a delightful but distressing state; we must be doing something to be happy.
  • It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence.
  • It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.
  • One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds.
  • Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
  • The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
  • Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.
  • When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always.
  • You must be the change you want to see in the world.
  • You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
  • What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?
  • Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.
  • An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
  • Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings of that precious right.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

FIs and their Risk Resilience Capacity Building

The share market debacle in the first quarter of 2011 has indicated that banks should have the sufficient resilience capacity against market risks. In addition to that, the recent unpleasant "Hall Mark" scandal has reminded the banking industry of a better resilience capacity against operational risks. Consequently a question has arisen about whether the banking sector has enough preparation to protect their assets from further sequential or other unexpected losses. The speed at which the risk events unfold and the extent of their impacts on the businesses across different risk categories appear to be escalating. When the Barings Bank declared bankruptcy in 1995, the world was stunned. As Britain's oldest merchant bank, Barings, had weathered disasters like the Great Depression and Two World Wars - only to be later brought down by a single man in a small office in Singapore. Nick Leeson, a derivatives trader employed by the bank, took unauthorised speculative positions primarily in futures linked to the Nikkei 225 and Japanese Government Bonds (JGB). For the time being, a big zero was added to his name. For best results, the risk management framework should be integrated across the entire value chain. This is not only complex and costly, it also requires management approval. What banks need is a single platform that centralises, streamlines and automates compliance and information technology (IT) risk management.

The role of the risk control framework is to evaluate the risk inherent in the business activities of an institution and to ensure that these risks don't endanger the institution even in extreme circumstances. However, financial institutions (FIs) have struggled as the current financial crisis has unfolded and many have not been able to withstand the shocks that the financial system has experienced. But exactly why did these failures occur? Well, the diagnosis is clear: industry reports highlight that the risk control framework in many institutions was not robust enough, due primarily to weak governance and lack of understanding of the risks inherent in the business strategies adopted. The reports conclude that risk management reforms are necessary to create stronger institutions and a resilient financial system. The growth of informal settlements, fuelled by urbanisation and migration, has led to the growth of unstable living environments in many countries. Often located in ravines, on steep slopes, along flood plains, or adjacent to noxious or dangerous industrial or transport facilities, the disaster risks for already vulnerable and marginalised communities are exacerbated by their location. Another example: while development choices made to promote water-intensive cash-crops in semi-arid regions may boost local economies for the short term, such practices depend so heavily on canal irrigation that can have serious consequences in the case of even a slight variation in rainfalls. Poor development planning has contributed therefore to increased exposure to drought risks in many arid and semi-arid regions of the world.

Recognising the relationship between development and risk and investing in disaster risk reduction can lead to better development practices which are also cost-effective. Here that risk can be modelled and analysed-and there is enough accumulated experience - in both developing and developed countries-to manage it if the appropriate strategies and measures are put in place.

Bank and non-bank financial institutions are the most important financial intermediaries in every economy. Not only this, banks have an important role to play in blood circulation of the economy and the ultimate result of growth. Therefore, close regulated operation and their safety from potential threat are very much essential for economic growth and activities. An adequate risk resilience fund that is capital is required to protect depositors' interest and to ensure the survival of banking business. However, the banking sector or the financial sector as a whole is passing an invisible liquidity crisis which is ultimately slowing down investment. In Bangladesh, banks are fairly allowed to invest in the capital market. Therefore, it is required to analyse the real development of the risk resilience capacity of the banking industry after the BASEL-2 implementation. Risk management is becoming a crucial part of the business strategy. Without it, thousands of people are adversely affected - shareholders, bankers, employees, customers and even the government who spends millions of dollars trying to bail a bank out. Developing a risk management framework can be extremely challenging. Banks need to analyse risk reports, assess and test controls and choose the appropriate risk mitigating strategy. Adequate capital then has to be allocated. The whole process can be costly in terms of money, time, effort, technology and personnel required.

In terms of raising quality, consistency and transparency, it is important that banks' risk exposures are backed by a high quality capital base. The crisis has demonstrated that credit losses and write-downs come out of retained earnings, which is part of banks' tangible common equity base. It has also revealed the inconsistency in definition of capital across jurisdictions and the lack of disclosure that would have enabled the market to fully assess and compare the quality of capital between institutions. The BASEL-II framework increased the risk sensitivity and coverage of the regulatory capital requirement. Indeed, one of the most pro-cyclical dynamics has been the failure of risk management and capital frameworks to capture key exposures. However, it is not possible to achieve greater risk sensitivity across institutions at a given point of time without introducing a certain degree of cyclicality in minimum capital requirements over time.

Financial recession in 2008 which had hit the world drastically changed the scenario of global business and economy. The crisis transmitted into the financial system rapidly as their currency, dollar, is systematically a vital currency. These experiences are now influencing policymakers to implement BASEL-I and BASEL-II and so on, in achieving good economic outcomes. Almost all stability reports after the financial crisis suggested structural changes in the financial sector, especially their risk management capacity. High debt burdens and weakened balance sheets are still extending the crisis, especially in advanced economies. In a business environment characterised by natural disasters, vandalism, terrorist attacks, epidemics and technological failures, it is imperative to implement an effective business continuity plan. Banks should develop a recovery strategy that targets technical systems, management and employees. So it is clear that risks are faced enormously in different financial institutions. But by following the BASEL II requirements, they can work towards building a safer financial system and improving customer and investor confidence.

Risk resilience capacity is defined as improvement of a risk absorbance fund and a fall in lending default rate. Not only the capital enhancement but also the decreasing nonperforming load will be treated as improvement of the risk resilience capacity. However, the risk-assessed adequacy measurement always carries some uncertainties. In general, risk can be defined as the, "Probability or threat of a damage, injury, liability, loss or other negative occurrence, caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and which may be neutralised through pre-mediated action." In the financial sector, risk is defined concerning some special market factors and other externalities which can affect an individual or organisation's decision. In finance, risk is defined as "Probability that an actual return on an investment will be lower than expected." Every business encounters risks, some of which are unpredictable and uncontrollable. Risk management is a central part of any organisation's strategic management. Risk management involves identifying, analysing and taking steps to reduce or eliminate the exposures to loss faced by an organisation or individual. The practice of risk management utilises many tools and techniques, including insurance, to manage a wide variety of risks.

A bank's attitude to risk is not passive and defensive, a bank actively and willingly takes on risk, because it seeks a return and this does not come without risks. Indeed, risk management can be seen as the core competence of an insurance company or a bank. By using its expertise, market position and capital structure, a financial institution can manage risks by repackaging them and transferring them to markets in customised ways.

Mostly the US dollar is used in the global financial system. The dollar monopoly is also prevailing in the international transactions across the globe as most of the transactions are pegged with the dollar during quoting or exchange rate determination. That's why, the US dollar gains extra demand from outside. Since implementing the BASEL II framework in 2009, the banking sector's risk resilience capacity has moderately improved. In fact, real improvement of risk management also depends on reducing probability of default, especially lending default rate. The overall improvement can be determined by analysing the trend of banks' lending default rate,.

The BASEL framework is working effectively in the banking sector in Bangladesh and it helped improve the risk resilience capacity. This improvement may not be sufficient to face the potential unexpected events but it has a significant role in reducing banks' lending default rate. However, the recent banking scandals signal the necessity of further qualitative improvement of the risk management culture in the banking sector. Any dual control or government intervention in banks' corporate governance is no longer wise, when it comes to the total banking system. In the lead-up to the crisis, too often amid the clamour for ever higher returns, the voice of reason was not heard and risks were ignored. The crisis has exposed this and has revealed significant shortcomings in the risk control frameworks of financial institutions. In particular, the failure to properly assess the risks inherent in business models, in portfolios, and in off-balance sheet activities has become evident. Consequently, rebalancing of risk and return is required to ensure resilient institutions and a resilient financial system. To achieve this, strengthening of the risk control framework is needed so that our financial institutions are ready to face the challenges that lie ahead. Such a framework needs to put risk management at the heart of the strategy and decision making processes of each institution. The framework should be supported by the twin pillars of risk analysis, that is a suite of statistical risk models to provide a measure of the different risks faced by the institution and a comprehensive stress testing programme which consists of a more judgmental and coherent risk analysis based on scenarios that the institutions may be facing in the future.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Think Before Adopting the Latest Marketing Fad

Marketing is changing so fast, it's easy to get our heads turned by new, high-tech developments. Doesn't my company need a smartphone app? How should we leverage augmented reality? What about gratification?

Before you buy into a new, shiny marketing tool or technique, first make sure it's right for your company. Often your existing ideas, product lines, and channels have more value than you think. Ask yourself these three counter intuitive questions:

Should I do the opposite of what everyone else is doing? 
For example, if your competitor is blasting out e-newsletters to their entire database, consider sending simple, personalized notes to your most loyal clients.

What abandoned technique can I bring back?
Sometimes, marketing strategies are dropped for good reason, but other times the reasoning is not that clear. Think about whether there's an old technique that could still be useful.

Can I resurrect a product for an untapped market?
Don't just market to the masses. Sometimes a small, high-end market is willing to pay for a difference in quality (think vinyl records, which were considered dead not long ago).

Sometimes — depending on your industry and target audience — the new, shiny tool or technique is the right way to go. But often, you can get a better result by drawing from your existing resources and simply being strategic about how to communicate in a more memorable way than your competitors.